티스토리 뷰


 미켈란젤로 조각품 감상 

     (Michelangelo Buonarroti)1475 -1564      

화가 볼테라가 분필로 그린 미켈란젤로의 초상화

줄리아노 부자르디니가 그린 <터번을 두른 미켈란젤로의 초상>

* 음악 : Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 운명 (Proms 2012)

이탈리아의 조각가·건축가. 르네상스 회화, 조각, 건축에서 뛰어난 업적을 남겼다.

산 피에트로대성당의 《피에타》,《다비드》, 시스티나 대성당의 천장화 등이 대표작이다.   

미켈란젤로의 시스티나 성당의 프레스코화가 복원 된 후, 로마의 교황청이 공식적으로 대중들에게 이 작품을 공개한 날, 교황 요한 바오로 2세는 "인간의 몸으로 이루어진 신학의 거룩한 성소"라고 말했다. 시스티나 성당은 교황 식스투스 4세의 명에 의해 만들어진 성당으로 바티칸 궁전 내부에 건축되었다.

당시 보티첼리와 같은 르네상스 시대의 거장들이 참여하여 프레스코화를 그렸고, 미켈란젤로는 성당의 천장화와 벽화를 그렸다. 이른바 화룡점정인 셈이다.이 불멸의 작품은 미켈란젤로가 살았던 16세기 작품이다. 이제 500년이나 지난 천장화를 복원해 낸 현대인들 역시 그 작업을 하면서 미켈란젤로라는 한 인간에 대한 경외감을 품었다. 세월 앞에 인간의 목숨은 부질없지만, 예술은 영원하다는 말이 증명된 셈이다. -두산백과

The Last Judgement : Christ the Judge
Fresco, 1541
539 1/4 x 480 1/4
inches (1370 x 1220 cm)
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Genesis,
The Creation of Adam [Adam's face]

Fresco, 1508-1512
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Ignudi,
next to Separation of Land and the Persian Sybil [left]

Fresco, 1508-1512
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Ignudi,
next to Separation of Land and the Persian Sybil [right]

Fresco, 1508-1512
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

The Last Judgement
Fresco, 1541
539 1/4 x 480 1/4 inches (1370 x 1220 cm)
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Genesis,
The Fall and Expulsion from Paradise - The Original Sin

Fresco, 1508-1512
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

David [detail]
Marble, 1504
Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence

Tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici: Lorenzo de' Medici [detail: 1]
Marble, 1524-1531
Sagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence

Victory [detail: 1]
Marble, 1532-1534
Palazzo Vecchio, Florence

Marble, 1504
170 3/4 x 0 inches (434 x 00 cm)
Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence

David [detail: rear view]
Marble, 1504
Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence

David [detail: side/rear view]
Marble, 1504
Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence

David [detail]
Marble, 1504
Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence

The Last Judgement [detail: 1]
Fresco, 1541
539 1/4 x 480 1/4 inches (1370 x 1220 cm)
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

Slave (dying) [detail: 1]
Marble, c.1513
Mus__du Louvre, Paris

Marble, 1532-1534
Palazzo Vecchio, Florence

Rebellious Slave
Marble, c.1513
Mus__du Louvre, Paris

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Fresco, 1508-1512
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel [detail]
Fresco, 1508-1512
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel [detail]
Fresco, 1508-1512
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Genesis,
Noah 7-9: The Flood, right view

Fresco, 1508-1512
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Genesis,
The Fall and Expulsion from Paradise - The Expulsion

Fresco, 1508-1512
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: Sybils: Erithraea
Fresco, 1508-1512
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

the Fall of Adam and Eve
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

The Creation of Man (detail)
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

Noah's Drunkenness
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

Two Figures (Study for The Last Judgement)
Red chalk, 1541
Private collection

Crouching Boy
Marble, 1530-1533
Hermitage, St Petersburg

Marble, 1530
Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence

David/Apollo [detail: 1]
Marble, 1530
Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence

David/Apollo [detail: 2]
Marble, 1530
Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence

Madonna and Child with the Infant Baptist
Marble, 1505-1506
32 3/8 x 32 3/8 inches (82.5 x 82.5 cm)
Royal Academy of Arts, London

Madonna (Tondo Pitti)
Marble, 1504-1505
50 3/8 x 32 1/4 inches (128 x 82 cm)
Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence

Madonna (Tondo Pitti) [detail: 1]
Marble, 1504-1505
50 3/8 x 32 1/4 inches (128 x 82 cm)
Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence

St Matthew
Marble, 1503
Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence

Madonna and Child
Marble, 1501-1505
Vrouwekerk, Bruges

Madonna and Child [detail: 1]
Marble, 1501-1505
Vrouwekerk, Bruges

Madonna and Child [detail: 2]
Marble, 1501-1505
Vrouwekerk, Bruges

Madonna and Child [detail: 3]
Marble, 1501-1505
Vrouwekerk, Bruges

Marble, 1497
Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence

Bacchus [detail: 1]
Marble, 1497
Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence

Angel with Candlestick
Marble, 1494-1495
San Domenico, Bologna

Angel with Candlestick [detail: 1]
Marble, 1494-1495
San Domenico, Bologna

St Petronius
Marble, 1494
San Domenico, Bologna

Madonna of the Stairs
Marble, 1490-1492
21 3/4 x 15 5/8 inches (55.5 x 40 cm)
Casa Buonarroti, Florence

The Conversion of Saul
Fresco, 1545
246 x 260 1/8 inches (625 x 661 cm)
Cappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican

The Conversion of Saul [detail]
Fresco, 1545
Cappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican

The Last Judgement [detail: 3]
Fresco, 1541
539 1/4 x 480 1/4 inches (1370 x 1220 cm)
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

The Last Judgement [detail: 3]
Fresco, 1541
539 1/4 x 480 1/4 inches (1370 x 1220 cm)
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

The Last Judgement [detail]
Fresco, 1541
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

Tomb of Giuliano de Medici
Marble, 1526-1533
248 x 165 1/4 inches (630 x 420 cm)
Sagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence

Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici: Day
Marble, 1526-1533
Sagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence

Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici: Giuliano de' Medici
Marble, 1526-1533
Sagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence

Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici: Giuliano de' Medici [detail: 1]
Marble, 1526-1533
Sagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence

Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici: Night
Marble, 1526-1533
Sagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence

Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici: Night [detail: 1]
Marble, 1526-1533
Sagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence

Tomb of Lorenzo de Medici
Marble, 1524-1531
248 x 165 1/4 inches (630 x 420 cm)
Sagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence

Tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici: Dawn
Marble, 1524-1531
Sagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence

Tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici: Dawn [detail: 1]
Marble, 1524-1531
Sagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence

Tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici: Twilight
Marble, 1524-1531
Sagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence

Lunette XI - Jesse, David and Solomon, Sistine Chapel
Fresco, 1511
84 5/8 x 169 1/4 inches (215 x 430 cm)
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

Lunette and Popes, Sistine Chapel
Fresco, 1483-1512
Cappella Sistina, Vatican

Matyrdom of Saint Peter
Fresco, 1550
246 x 260 5/8 inches (625 x 662 cm)
Cappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican

Matyrdom of Saint Peter [detail]
Fresco, 1550
Cappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican

Matyrdom of Saint Peter [detail]
Fresco, 1550
Cappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican

Matyrdom of Saint Peter [detail]
Fresco, 1550
Cappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican

Tomb of Pope Julius II [detail] - Rachel and Leah
Marble, 1545
S. Pietro in Vincoli, Rome

Tomb of Pope Julius II: Moses
Marble, 1545
S. Pietro in Vincoli, Rome

Tomb of Pope Julius II: Moses [detail: 1]
Marble, 1545
S. Pietro in Vincoli, Rome

Tomb of Pope Julius II: Moses [detail: 2]
Marble, 1545
S. Pietro in Vincoli, Rome

Tempera on wood, 1510
62 1/2 x 58 5/8 inches (159 x 149 cm)
National Gallery, London

The Holy Family with the Infant John the Baptist
Tempera on panel, c.1503
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Piet__Rondanini (unfinished)
Marble, 1552-1564
Castello Sforzesco, Milan

Piet__Rondanini (unfinished) [detail: 1]
Marble, 1552-1564
Castello Sforzesco, Milan

Piet__detail: 1]
Marble, c.1550
Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence

Piet__detail: 2]
Marble, c.1550
Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence

Marble, 1540
37 3/8 x 0 inches (95 x 00 cm)
Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence

Brutus [detail: 1]
Marble, 1540
Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence

The Rape of Ganymede
Black chalk, c.1533
7 3/8 x 12 7/8 inches (19 x 33 cm)
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge

Christ Carrying the Cross
Marble, c.1521
Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome

Medici Madonna
Marble, 1521-1531
Sagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence

Medici Madonna [detail: 2]
Marble, 1521-1531
Sagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence

Slave (Atlas)
Marble, 1519-1536
Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence

Slave (awakening)
Marble, 1519-1536
Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence

Slave (bearded)
Marble, 1519-1536
Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence

Slave (young)
Marble, 1519-1536
Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence

Slave (dying)
Marble, c.1513
Mus__du Louvre, Paris

Slave (rebelling)
Marble, c.1513
Mus__ duLouvre, Paris

The Doni Tondo (framed)
Tempera on panel, c.1506
47 1/8 x 47 1/8 inches (120 x 120 cm)
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Marble, 1504
52 3/4 x 0 inches (134 x 00 cm)
Duomo, Siena

Saint Paul
Marble, 1504
50 x 0 inches (127 x 00 cm)
Duomo, Siena

Saint Peter
Marble, 1504
Duomo, Siena

Piet__detail: 1]
Marble, 1499
68 1/2 x 76 3/4 inches (174 x 195 cm)
Basilica di San Pietro, Vatican

Piet__detail: 2]
Marble, 1499
68 1/2 x 76 3/4 inches (174 x 195 cm)
Basilica di San Pietro, Vatican

Saint Proculus
Marble, 1494
23 x 0 inches (58.5 x 00 cm)
San Domenico, Bologna

Battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs
Marble, c.1492
33 1/4 x 35 5/8 inches (84.5 x 90.5 cm)
Casa Buonarroti, Florence

Samson and Two Philistines
Bronze, c.1530-1550
Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence

Battle of Cascina (part)
Cartoon, c.1505
Public collection

The Dream of Human Life
Black chalk, 1533-1534
Public collection

Plan for a Church
Ink on paper, c.1560
Casa Buonarroti, Florence

Black chalk, c.1533
7 3/8 x 12 7/8 inches (19 x 33 cm)
Royal Collection, Windsor Castle, London

Christ on the Cross
Drawing, c.1541
14 1/2 x 10 5/8 inches (37 x 27 cm)
British Museum, London

The Damned Soul
Black ink, c.1525
14 x 9 7/8 inches (35.7 x 25.1 cm)
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Madonna and Child with St John
Chalk on paper
Mus__du Louvre, Paris

Satyr's Head
Brown inkc.
11 x 8 1/4 inches (28 x 21 cm)
Mus__ du Louvre, Paris, France

Marble, 1499
68 1/2 x 76 3/4 inches (174 x 195 cm)
Basilica di San Pietro, Vatican, Vatican City

Medici Madonna [detail: 1]

Marble, 1521-1531
Sagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence

Christ Carrying the Cross [detail: 1]
Marble, c.1521
Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome

Tomb of Pope Julius II
Marble, 1545
S. Pietro in Vincoli, Rome

Tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici: Lorenzo de' Medici
Marble, 1524-1531
Sagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence

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